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Claim your “Whatever I need it for” money

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There’s federal tax refund money waiting for you. Get help claiming it today.

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are programs to give money back to eligible Philadelphians. It’s your money to use for whatever you want, but you need to file to claim it. Tens of thousands of people miss out on claiming it every year. There’s no reason to leave that money in the government’s pocket when it could—and should—be in yours!

File for free!

Don’t pay to claim your refund. Philly has trusted partners that can help you claim the EITC, CTC, and other refunds at no charge.

These trusted nonprofit partners of the City of Philadelphia can help you file and get the money you’re owed.

Claim your money.

Earned income tax credit

Get up to $7,830 back with the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

This is a federal tax refund for working people and families that meet certain income requirements. There’s no catch. No strings attached. It’s your money to use however you want, and you can claim it for free.

Child tax credit

Get up to $2,000 back per child with the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC).

Parents or guardians of children can receive a bigger tax refund by claiming the CTC. Eligibility criteria and the amount of the refund have recently changed, so contact us today to see if you’re eligible. You can still claim your money for free.

Partner resources

Download materials with details on income tax credits, tips on how to claim money, and locations for free tax help. Use the dropdown options below to access materials in multiple languages.

Fact Sheet

A double-sided sheet with all the most important information about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC).

Palm Card

A small, easy-to-reference card with instructions for claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC).


A poster-sized fact sheet for both the EITC and CTC. Distribute in prominent locations throughout the community to spread the word and help people claim their money.

Social Media Kit

Social Media Kit

A series of premade posts about the EITC and CTC to share on all your social media channels. Images and accompanying post copy are provided.

Available in: